

The need for levee improvements in Morgan City was brought to the forefront by FEMA’s issuance of new preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs)  in 2009, recent levee profile surveys, and a subsequent appeal to FEMA issued by the City of Morgan City. Being proactive in flood protection, the citizens within Consolidated Gravity Drainage District No. 2 (Morgan City and vicinity) passed a bond election in late 2009.
Proposed levee and pump station improvements indicate upgrades to existing levees to elevations ranging from 8 ft. to 10 ft. MSL. The improvements address vulnerability caused by water levels arising from Lake Palourde. The proposed upgrades will provide backwater protection from Atchafalaya riverine events and storm surge from the Gulf as well as from stormwater runoff in the Terrebonne Basin north of the city. Upon completion of this project, backwater protection levees in Morgan City will be suitable for certification by the City and FEMA accreditation.

This complete project was broken into different sections.  The Justa St project, the Lakeside subdivision to Lake End Park (tv-55), the LA-70 project, and the Siracussaville projects have all been completed.  The final parts of this backwater project are the moving of the pump station to the lake front and the lake front protection in Lake Side Subdivision.  The pump station is in the design phase and the lake front is still being studied for the most effective, least intrusive way to close the gap.

Estimated Cost and Funding — $16,000,000 – $20,000,000

(a) Drainage District bonds, CDBG (parish), SMLD, misc .— $12,000,000

(b) To Be Determined — $4,000,000 – $8,000,000

A fly over view of all of these projects is in the video section.

Contact St. Mary Levee District

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