
Yokely Extension Levee and Removable Floodwall

The Yokely extension connects to the end of the federal Yokely levee and extends to high ground following the Charenton Canal going North.  The flood protection is to 10.5′ and includes earthen levees, removable flood-walls and canal gates.

This project in conjunction with the Bayou Teche Floodgate closes the gap to create continuous flood protection from the Wax Lake Outlet to the Charenton Canal.  This removable flood-wall can be deployed in under 6 hours.

Yokely Extension

Hanson Canal and Yellow Bayou Structures

Hanson Canal and Yellow Bayou, both similar to the Franklin Canal, were designed to serve as conduits for removal of stormwater following normal rainfall events. However, during hurricanes and related events, both serve as a means for reverse flow generated by storm surge. Hurricanes Rita and Ike are recorded example events. Closures and levee improvements are needed to prevent surge flows from moving inland during surge events. Both of these projects have been completed and are fully operational.

Hanson Canal is a flood gate only.

Yellow Bayou has sluice gates and a pump station that houses 2 – 42″ pumps to remove rain water from behind the structure when it is close.  These structures are only closed during tropical systems with coastal flooding or high river events.

Philip Luke Flood Protection Structure

Under normal circumstances, the Franklin Canal funnels stormwater from urban areas in and around Franklin to low lying outfall marshes and bays of the Gulf of Mexico along Louisiana’s central coast. However, the Franklin Canal also serves as a conduit for reverse flows generated by storm surge from the Gulf. In this capacity, the canal has carried elevated water levels northward resulting in flooding in Franklin and along U. S. Hwy. 90 (an evacuation route) during Hurricanes Rita and Ike.

The Franklin Canal Project broke ground In January of 2013 and was completed in November of 2013. Phase 2 of this project is to install a pump station for times when the gate is closed.  The pump station has been completed with four 42″ pumps. You can view the entire system in operation on the video page.

Cost and Funding — $5,775,000

(a) Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration

      $500,000—Design Funds

(b) Capital Outlay


(c) Community Development Block Grant


Contact St. Mary Levee District